#1 Other Kremlin lies about the Russia and the UN - spread in social media and by the UN and western administrations.
They're everywhere. They're promoted, rebuttals are deleted and/or hidden by YT and Twitter, so people believe them. Some are abusive or deprecating one-liners. Others are long and sound convincing
They're everywhere. They're promoted, while rebuttals are deleted or hidden by YT and Twitter. So people believe them. Here are some examples, with answers.
Disinformation comments are short and long. They make up the vast majority of comments on channels exposing facts which the disinformation propounders do not want people to believe. Some are abusive or deprecating one-liners. Others are long and sound convincing. Here are some samples from just 1 video in the past week.
And those Facebook friends you thought were already your friends, and those attractive strangers wanting to friend you? Yep, they are fake accounts run by troll factories. Friending your friends and your children. Impersonating them and scraping their friends lists. Forming whole communities sowing lies into your social network’s feeds, liking, commenting and cross-posting. Until their lies become your and your childrens’ truths. Yes, that’s how half of America has apparently gone mad.
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Here’s one long clusterbomb comment, broken down to answer each fallacy.
This demonstrates how much time and effort is required to break down and refute these comments.
HOW the Russian Federation took over the USSRs seat on the UNSC:
1: All former Soviet nations (including UA) officially, via treaties DESIGNATED the RusFED as the legal successor to the USSR,
1. Lies. All answered in the video interview.
(a) “All” former Soviet nations did not do anything. Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia did not support Russia.
(b) The 11 remaining nations did not and had no power to “designate” anything. The Alma Ata “Decision” on 21 December 1991 (which was not even by the countries themselves, but the Council of the new club they had formed) stated they “supported” Russia “continuing”. That is completely different. It is an actual admission that Russia did not have any entitlement. You don’t ask for “support” if you are entitled to something. You state that you are entitled - which Yeltsin never did.
aquiring all DEBTS and Legal obligations AS WELL as all Political and Sovereign positions and obligations. Incluidng aquiring the UNSC permanent member seat.
1. lie. The Moscow Treaty of Succession of 4 December 1991 divided liability for the USSR debt and shared the USSR external assets between 11 states. Because no states "inherited" either, because USSR was a different state from them. They could not get credit until they undertook that liability and agreed to pay the debt. As usual Russia violated that treaty and refused to account for and divide the assets. So Ukraine has refused to pay until the assets are disclosed and divided. Russia remains in violation of that treaty.
2: All nations!!!! RECOGNISED RusFED as the Legal Successor of the USSR. That is why all Nations party to Treaties with USSR continued operating their treaty obligations with the RusFed ie all the Cold War Security Treaties signed between USA and USSR were sustained by USA and RusFED.
2. being fooled by a lie does not make it true.
performing obligations of another state does not transfer UN membership under the UN Charter. Memberships cannot be transferred. Non members can only be admitted under Article 4. Nor does it amend Article 23 of the UN Charter.
3: Pres Yeltsin submitted claim to the UNSC seat to the UN Sec General in 1992. The UN Sec Gen asked all UNGA members if they objected. NONE DID, making it legal, official and final.
3. lie. No States were "asked" anything. They did not consent, they objected, as Vorontsov confirmed in the video which is linked in my substack https://vlp888.substack.com/p/images-russia-and-the-un. If States had agreed, the UN would have passed resolutions under Article 4 of the UN Charter admitting Russia as a member, and under Article 108 amending the named permanent member in Article 23. The fact that they were not passed is conclusive proof states did not agree.
4: Precedence: Under International Law, Every vote, ratification or representation RusFed has had in the UNSC since the dissolution of USSR is LEAL CONFIRMATION BY ALL OTHER UN NATIONS that RusFED is the Legal successor to the USSRs permanent seat on the UNSC.
4. lie. Under international law fraud is fraud. Every purported action by the RF pretending to be a member of the UN is a legal nullity because they were not actions of a member. What is to be done (if anything) regarding the consequences of those past actions can be decided by the General Assembly or the Security Council respectively. For example, a resolution to send forces into Ukraine at Ukraine's request, and contract with Nato and other countries under Article 42 to provide those forces.
IF RusFed was (hypothetically) pronounced to be NOT the legal successor to the USSR at the UN,
RF is not a member. That doesn't have to be declared, it is just a preamble for a decision to expel the impostor representatives.
RF's actions are nullities irrespective of a declaration.
It is not a party to any UN treaties before 1991 including the Charter which it has never acceded to. Any treaties it has signed later it has simply signed as a non-member.
Does a single fraudulent vote in a government election make the entire election "legally voided"?
20 years of treaties and votes were dealt with in the ROC case, without a problem.
Many countries have dealt with invalidly elected politicians’ votes. Australia being an example.
Ukraine and EVERY NATO country has legally recognised RusFed as the legal successor to the USSRs UNSC seat.
If "every Nato country" decide to recognise Ghana as “the legal successor to the USSR”, does that make it true? What if they "legally recognise" that Russia is not? No country has "legally recognised" anything. “Legally recognise” can only be by a UN resolution. Even if there were a resolution, it would be ultra vires (a nullity) unless it complied with Article 4 or 108.
NO Government has EVER legally challenged it.
The Ukraine government has challenged it. The ROC, a previous regime unlawfully claiming to be a permanent member with a veto, exactly as Russia is, was not "legally challenged" for 20 years. (i.e. the true legal status was declared and its representatives expelled by a General Assembly resolution 2758 in 1971).
Why do you kknow better than them?
I know better than “them” because I have gone back to the original legal documents and eyewitness evidence. No other conclusion is possible from that evidence and law. So the conclusion is that :”they” have been fooled by the Huge Lie, or they have remained silent for fear of reprisal.
Here are some shorter comments
"why isn't it stated by them and acted upon?"
Once people have lied, or even if they have made a mistake, they don't want to admit it. It's politically damaging. A lot of people will lose their jobs.
Anyone who exposes the lie places their job and more at risk.
If the lie is exposed everyone who told it's jobs are at risk.
The US presidents, Secretaries of State and Defence, the Secretary-General of the UN, NATO, whole administrations. The media.
Until the public knows and pressures them, sticking with the lie is easier. That is why it is so essential to spread the truth.
" [ ] can not be the only person to know this"
A google search will show that the disinformation has spread deep and wide.
Many people still believe the lie about Ukraine’s 2014 presidential impeachment, nazis and dozens of others..
It is still repeated by world leaders and influencers.
Nobody is going to re-invent the wheel and look back to check on some arcane history and law which are so widely stated.
Except me.
As I said, even the President and MFA of Ukraine have been told it.
The Facebook disinformation industry
Fake Facebook friends
Read this - what they do, and how to diagnose and get rid of them
And those Facebook “Notifications” not from your friends - Facebook political interference.
Facebook selectively stirring up comments on NZ politics. Interference in NZ politics. They haven't sent notifications for any other contentious issues - crime, health, climate, mining, child abuse ... just RACE. And our form of GOVERNMENT.
Just like FB interfered in the US election with unsolicited unauthorised "notifications", for Trump. Since the target post was a fake, intending to deceive voters, it is Election Fraud, by Facebook
further reading:
The other real frauds that the disinformation industry hides from you, and/or trains you to accept:
and a bit about the US Supreme Court invention of a “right to lie”: